By Katherine Olivetti


Last month I traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a film festival, “Movies and Meaning”. I had never attended this particular festival before and found the selection of films especially interesting.  We previewed a documentary that is scheduled to be released this fall, I’ll Push You (2016) directed by Chris Karcher and Terry Parish.  It is the story of two friends—when Justin Gray who suffers from a debilitating disease and is confined to a wheel chair lets his life-long friend Patrick Skeesuck know one of his dreams is to make the 500 mile pilgrimage across Spain, El Camino de Santiago, Patrick responds, “I’ll push you.”  Neither has any idea what this will entail, but the film documents this arduous and touching journey.

i will push you movie

I’ll Push You, 2016

The movie brings to life words attributed to St. Francis of Assisi:

“For in giving it is that we receive.”

The benefit that accrues to the giver isn’t usually what is highlighted in philanthropy, charity, or other acts of service, but this film drives it home big time.  Patrick, the friend who pushes the wheelchair, is deeply transformed by what he does for Justin.

Here’s a question for you:

How have you been transformed by being of service to someone else?  I would love it if you would email me your story about that.

At Life Reinspired we’re aiming to help you make the next chapter of your life the best ever, and inevitably service will be one of the ways you will be able to increase the meaning and richness of your own life.

Come turn up the heat with us at LIFE REINSPIRED. Contact us for more information or find out more about our programs and upcoming retreats.

Katherin Olivetti is Co-Founder of Life Reinspired, a reset lab for successful Baby Boomers contemplating a meaningful next chapter of life. She is a practicing Jungian psychoanalyst, family therapist, coach, writer, and editor, training professionals throughout the world.