By Caroline Hall

Caroline Hall - EudaemoniaAs an executive coach and trainer of coaches, purpose, values, and challenges are the waters I swim in. Coaches know that using ourselves well in service of what we care about most leads to fulfillment throughout life, and “retirement” is no exception. In fact, living on purpose is even more important than ever before.

I’m defining purpose here as the combination of your most valued skills and talents with your dearest passions and interests.

Dan Buettner, a National Geographic writer who researched the places on earth where people live the longest and healthiest, isolated nine factors that characterize all the vigorous centenarians across these “Blue Zones.” Purpose came in high on the list. And when former NPR reporter Barb Bradley Hagerty recently published research findings that isolated the eight factors that lead to fulfillment in mature adulthood and beyond, several of her principles pointed to the importance of purpose, meaning, and challenge.

“Eudaemonia” is a word that means striving to live the good life—one suffused with purpose. In fact, purpose is more important than immediate pleasures when it comes to creating deep fulfillment—and living on purpose is great for our brains and bodies, too. “Aim for long-term meaning rather than short-term happiness, and you will likely find both,” says Hagerty.

“Eudaemonia” may sound like a disease, I know….but nothing could be more life-giving. We’ll be exploring this and so much more in the Life Reinspired program.

If you’re a successful Baby Boomer looking to begin writing the next chapter of your life, check out our website: